December 18, 2011

December 18, 2011: The Day I Almost Regretted Buying a House Near a Bunch of Trees


So, I'm totally cool with the idea that God created trees.  Thus, by default, I'm pretty sure God probably created leaves as well.  You'd have a difficult time, however, trying to convince me that the devil wasn't behind the idea that, at least once a year, every leaf would fall off of every tree right into the middle of your yard.  Raking leaves is terrible and I did it all afternoon.

Like everything I do though.....there was a pretty decent soundtrack to make leaf raking a little less terrible.  So, if anyone else out there is thinking about heading out into your yard attempt to get rid of this tree waste like I did...I'd like to suggest a soundtrack for you.  It certainly helped me. 

Album 1: Okkervil River - I Am Very Far

I mentioned two posts earlier in this very blog that Okkervil River albums are always somewhat difficult for me.  There's usually two songs that are great and then 8-9 that are very....meh.  This year's I Am Very Far is the closest yet to bucking that trend.  Will Sheff (Okkervil River's leading man) has added a TON of instrumentation for this album compared to previous albums: extra guitars, extra brass instruments, etc.  The result is a very full sound that doesn't come off sounding like every other album before it.  I've always had a difficult time pinning down what my problem was with the other albums.....and I think I'm finally narrowing it down to the fact that I just don't find them very unique.  There's a lot of music out need to waste your precious listening time with something that you ultimately forget a few minutes later, kinda like background music.  This album, for me, begins to break out of that mold.  The added layers of instrumentation really create a unique sound that I hope Sheff continues to build on for many more albums.

Okkervil River - The Valley  

Album 2:  Nirvana - In Utero

I realize I'm not introducing anything to anyone by suggesting you listen to Nirvana.  But 18 years after it was initially released (how ridiculous does that sound), it's easy to forget how awesome this album really was/is....especially considering all the praise showered upon its predecessor Nevermind dwarfs that received for In Utero.  I find, however, that Nirvana's final album matches up very well track-for-track with its bigger brother Nevermind; and there may not have been a better closing song on an album from the 90's than "All Apologies".

Nirvana - Pennyroyal Tea  

Album 3:  My Morning Jacket - It Still Moves

The majority of my favorite MMJ songs are from this album: "Mahgeetah", "One Big Holliday", and the one I've listed below to name a few.  This was a really nice way to close out a hard afternoon's work.  The closer "One in the Same" is one of MMJ's slower tunes, but imagine it on a cold late fall afternoon as the sun is setting, as I just heard it, and it just makes sense.  A couple years ago, MMJ toured with the Preservation Hall Jazz Band.  I never saw any of the shows from that tour, but I can only imagine how special they were.  I'm guessing they played "Dancefloors" and I'm also guessing that it was amazing.

My Morning Jacket - Dancefloors (with the Preservation Hall Jazz Band!!)

It was a long day.  Perfect evening now to just relax with a cup of pennyroyal tea (or whatever beverage suits you) and watch two NFL teams that aren't the Titans play the way playoff contenders are expected to play.


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