December 8, 2011

The Missing Piece?

Done.  I've created a music blog.  Now, the internet is finally complete.  I honestly cannot believe we did it.  Congratulations to anyone and everyone that played a role in this.

You see....back in the internet's glory days from 2007-2008 I was part of a grand experiment: kgb v2.0.  kgb v2.0 was (is?) a music blog.  It was started by two young, inexperienced, and naive music nerds who were eventually joined by an even younger, less experienced, more naive music nerd (me).  What transpired over the next 18 months would eventually go on to transform the world to what we currently know and love.  It truly was an awesome time.  Eventually, however, interest waned and seemingly more important things such as "graduating" and "becoming responsible" eliminated music blogging as a priority in the lives of those three internet dynamos and removed kgb v2.0 from the National Consciousness.  kgb v2.0 was never heard from again.

Now, I suppose it's possible I have that a bit wrong.  I guess it's possible that the music blog I wrote with two of my buddies was one of approximately 15,000 music blogs and our biggest "accomplishment" was getting a shout out on the website for VH1's Biggest Week Ever. was incredibly fun.  It was a blast providing thoughts, opinions, and general what-have-yous about our favorite music, even though we were primarily writing for ourselves.  I'd be lying though if I said I haven't considered starting a new blog about 250 times since we collectively petered out at the old one.

Well, all it took was considering it a 251st time, because all of a sudden here I am sitting in front of a shiny, brand new music blog.  I imagine the things I will write about will be quite similar to the stuff found at the last place (there's a link to the right for the old blog).  So if you get some time, check out the old place and if you like what you read that's pretty much what you can expect this time around.

There will be a couple of changes, however.  For one, I'm probably not going to post as many mp3's for people to download (steal).  I'm very against pirating music and have basically eliminated it from my life.  I will, however, post links to places where you can stream the music I'm writing about and I'll post stuff that bands say is free game.  Other than that.....I would suggest if you like something you hear here then buy it.  At the very least you're out less than $1.00 to download the song at a place like Amazon or eMusic.

So, if you stumble upon this place I hope you enjoy what you find.  I'm not a particularly gifted or clever writer, but I do listen to a crapload (official IUPAC unit) of music.  Some of it you've likely heard....some maybe not.  If you've got thoughts about what you hear, I'd love to hear them.  So fire away in the comments section....I have a feeling you know how these things work.

Considering this is my official 'Introduction' to the blog I'll kick things off by simply linking to my favorite song that's called "Intro".  It's good to be back.

The xx - Intro



  1. Aww if only you weren't against downloading (borrowing) music.

  2. Hell yea. My life is now complete. You know I'll check in regularly man. In return, you should give a shout out to my radio show. Yep, teaching college is awesome because colleges have low quality radio stations and let basically anybody on the air! Check out, Mondays at 5 pm EST. Stream it live.

  3. Ha, I can't believe kgb v2.0 is still out there in the world wide web. You did have the last post.

  4. Sure thing Gerdon. I will absolutely check out your radio show. I will definitely plug it here.

  5. It's good to see you aren't wasting your college education on something frivolous, like a job (don't get any ideas Ethan). I saw the band Blitzen Trapper, from Portland, OR, on Letterman last night and wondered if you have listened to them. I enjoyed them. Dad (I don't have a profile to use right now that is why this is from anonymous)

  6. Good looking design. Like the albums on the borders.

  7. Good stuff and *jealous*.

