January 4, 2012

Anticipation Station

 This is what music looks like.

There was a time when I wouldn't touch a song classified as "electro-pop" with a ten foot pole.  Then my favorite band put out a song called "Idioteque".  Reluctantly, I enjoyed it.  To this day it's still not my first instinct to like a song or band that features a lot of bleeps and blips in their music.  In fact, I've never been able to get into what is considered by many to be one of the very best electro-pop bands....LCD Soundsystem (though this is likely due to my hatred of their song "Daft Punk is Playing at My House"). 

Apparently, though, I'm softening in my old age.  I'm finding myself listening to a lot of stuff that falls into this genre of music.  The past year I enjoyed albums by a number of artists that could arguably be considered electro-pop: Cut Copy, Geographer, Mates of State, and Neon Indian to name a few.  And not a moment too soon, as essentially everyone except Mr. Dylan is increasingly incorporating electronica into his or her music......wait.....what's that?  Crap.

Which brings me to my main point.....one of the albums I'm most looking forward to in early-2012 is likely to be about as electro-poppy as they come.  Claire Boucher, otherwise known as Grimes, is set to release her first non-free full length, Visions, in just a couple days.  She has previously released a couple free LPs back in 2010 and combined with some dude with an apostrophe in his name (d'Eon) on a combined set of EPs last year.  I have none of those.  I have, however, heard the first release from her upcoming album.  It's called "Oblivion" (I've linked to it below).  It's everything the inventors of the phrase electro-pop ever dreamed.  It starts with a bunch of blips, is eventually followed by a bunch of bleeps, and finishes with some star-gazy whaa-whaa's.  And its awesome.  Now, will the entire album be this awesome?  Doubtful.  I suppose I could listen to some of her earlier work for a little enlightenment, and maybe I eventually will.  There's only so much time in the day available to listen to new music and right now I'm busy listening to "Oblivion" on repeat.  But I retain hope that the rest of the album is as stellar as this track.

I highly recommend you check it out via Pitchfork at the link below.  And if you want the full effect.....listen to it with a Jumperoo in the background like I'm currently doing....I really think it's how Grimes would want it to sound.

Grimes - Oblivion


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